1. Explicit descendant combinator >>

    An explicit, non-whitespace spelling of the descendant combinator. `A >> B` is equivalent to `A B`.

  2. :focus-within CSS pseudo-class

    The `:focus-within` pseudo-class matches elements that either themselves match `:focus` or that have descendants which match `:focus`.

  3. disabled attribute of the fieldset element

    Allows disabling all of the form control descendants of a fieldset via a `disabled` attribute on the fieldset element itself.

  4. indeterminate checkbox

    Indeterminate checkboxes are displayed in a state which is distinct both from being checked or being unchecked. They are commonly used in hierarchical checkboxes to indicate that only some of the checkbox's descendants are checked.

  5. HTMLElement.innerText

    A property representing the text within a DOM element and its descendants. As a getter, it approximates the text the user would get if they highlighted the contents of the element with the cursor and then copied to the clipboard.

  6. Node.textContent

    DOM Node property representing the text content of a node and its descendants

  7. elementinternals api: ariaactivedescendantelement

  8. element api: ariaactivedescendantelement

  9. css selector: descendant combinator (`a b`): `a >> b` syntax