1. Ambient Light Sensor

    Defines a concrete sensor interface to monitor the ambient light level or illuminance of the device’s environment.

  2. CSS Environment Variables env()

    Usage of environment variables like `safe-area-inset-top`.

  3. JPEG XL image format

    A modern image format optimized for web environments. JPEG XL generally has better compression than [WebP](/webp), JPEG, PNG and GIF and is designed to supersede them. JPEG XL competes with [AVIF](/avif) which has similar compression quality but fewer features overall.

  4. getUserMedia/Stream API

    Method of accessing external device data (such as a webcam video stream). Formerly this was envisioned as the <device> element.

  5. xrsession api: environmentblendmode

  6. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-bottom`

  7. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-left`

  8. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-right`

  9. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-top`

  10. css property: --*: `env()`: window controls overlay variable `titlebar-area-height`

  11. css property: --*: `env()`: window controls overlay variable `titlebar-area-width`

  12. css property: --*: `env()`: window controls overlay variable `titlebar-area-x`

  13. css property: --*: `env()`: window controls overlay variable `titlebar-area-y`