1. KeyboardEvent.charCode

    A legacy `KeyboardEvent` property that gives the Unicode codepoint number of a character key pressed during a `keypress` event.

  2. KeyboardEvent.code

    A `KeyboardEvent` property representing the physical key that was pressed, ignoring the keyboard layout and ignoring whether any modifier keys were active.

  3. KeyboardEvent.getModifierState()

    `KeyboardEvent` method that returns the state (whether the key is pressed/locked or not) of the given modifier key.

  4. KeyboardEvent.key

    A `KeyboardEvent` property whose value is a string identifying the key that was pressed. Covers character keys, non-character keys (e.g. arrow keys), and dead keys.

  5. KeyboardEvent.location

    A `KeyboardEvent` property that indicates the location of the key on the input device. Useful when there are more than one physical key for the same logical key (e.g. left or right "Control" key; main or numpad "1" key).

  6. KeyboardEvent.which

    A legacy `KeyboardEvent` property that is equivalent to either `KeyboardEvent.keyCode` or `KeyboardEvent.charCode` depending on whether the key is alphanumeric.

  7. HTTP Public Key Pinning

    Declare that a website's HTTPS certificate should only be treated as valid if the public key is contained in a list specified over HTTP to prevent MITM attacks that use valid CA-issued certificates.

  8. element api: `keydown` event

  9. element api: `keypress` event

  10. element api: `keyup` event

  11. eventcounts api: keys

  12. htmlmediaelement api: `waitingforkey` event

  13. keyboardevent api

  14. keyboardevent api: altkey

  15. keyboardevent api: charcode

  16. keyboardevent api: code

  17. keyboardevent api: ctrlkey

  18. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate

  19. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"accel"` as `key` parameter

  20. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"alt"` as `key` parameter

  21. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"altgraph"` as `key` parameter

  22. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"capslock"` as `key` parameter

  23. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"control"` as `key` parameter

  24. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"fn"` as `key` parameter

  25. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"meta"` as `key` parameter

  26. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"numlock"` as `key` parameter

  27. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"os"` as `key` parameter

  28. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"scrolllock"` as `key` parameter

  29. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"shift"` as `key` parameter

  30. keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"symbol"` as `key` parameter

  31. keyboardevent api: initkeyboardevent

  32. keyboardevent api: iscomposing

  33. keyboardevent api: key

  34. keyboardevent api: `keyboardevent()` constructor

  35. keyboardevent api: keycode

  36. keyboardevent api: keyidentifier

  37. keyboardevent api: key: dead key

  38. keyboardevent api: key: non-printable keys

  39. keyboardevent api: key: printable keys

  40. keyboardevent api: location

  41. keyboardevent api: metakey

  42. keyboardevent api: repeat

  43. keyboardevent api: shiftkey

  44. mediakeysession api: `keystatuseschange` event

  45. mediakeysession api: `message` event

  46. mouseevent api: altkey

  47. storageevent api: key

  48. touchevent api: altkey

  49. virtualkeyboard api: `geometrychange` event

  50. wheelevent api: pinch-to-zoom maps to `wheelevent` + `ctrl` key.