1. Arrow functions

    Function shorthand using `=>` syntax and lexical `this` binding.

  2. Async functions

    Async functions make it possible to treat functions returning Promise objects as if they were synchronous.

  3. Basic console logging functions

    Method of outputting data to the browser's console, intended for development purposes.

  4. CSS color() function

    The CSS `color()` function allows the browser to display colors in any color space, such as the P3 color space which can display colors outside of the default sRGB color space.

  5. CSS Cross-Fade Function

    Image function to create a "crossfade" between images. This allows one image to transition (fade) into another based on a percentage value.

  6. CSS element() function

    This function renders a live image generated from an arbitrary HTML element

  7. CSS filter() function

    This function filters a CSS input image with a set of filter functions (like blur, grayscale or hue)

  8. CSS Filter Effects

    Method of applying filter effects using the `filter` property to elements, matching filters available in SVG. Filter functions include blur, brightness, contrast, drop-shadow, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, sepia and saturate.

  9. CSS math functions min(), max() and clamp()

    More advanced mathematical expressions in addition to `calc()`

  10. CSS3 attr() function for all properties

    While `attr()` is supported for effectively all browsers for the `content` property, CSS Values and Units Level 5 adds the ability to use `attr()` on **any** CSS property, and to use it for non-string values (e.g. numbers, colors).

  11. types: filter-function

  12. javascript built-in: function

  13. javascript built-in: function: @@hasinstance

  14. javascript built-in: function: apply

  15. javascript built-in: function: apply: es 5.1: generic array-like object as `arguments`

  16. javascript built-in: function: arguments

  17. javascript built-in: function: bind

  18. javascript built-in: function: call

  19. javascript built-in: function: caller

  20. javascript built-in: function: displayname

  21. javascript built-in: function: length

  22. javascript built-in: function: length: configurable: true

  23. javascript built-in: function: name

  24. javascript built-in: function: name: configurable: true

  25. javascript built-in: function: name: inferred names on anonymous functions

  26. javascript built-in: function: tostring

  27. javascript function

  28. javascript function: arguments

  29. javascript function: arguments: @@iterator

  30. javascript function: arguments: callee

  31. javascript function: arguments: length

  32. javascript function: arrow functions: trailing comma in parameters

  33. javascript function: block-level functions

  34. javascript function: default parameters

  35. javascript function: default parameters: destructured parameter with default value assignment

  36. javascript function: default parameters: parameters without defaults after default parameters

  37. javascript function: get

  38. javascript function: get: computed property names

  39. javascript function: method definitions

  40. javascript function: method definitions: async generator methods

  41. javascript function: method definitions: async methods

  42. javascript function: method definitions: generator methods are not constructable (es2016)

  43. javascript function: rest parameters: destructuring rest parameters

  44. javascript function: set

  45. javascript function: set: computed property names

  46. grammar: trailing commas: trailing comma in function parameters

  47. javascript operator: `async function` expression

  48. javascript operator: `async function*` expression

  49. javascript operator: spread syntax (...): spread in function calls

  50. javascript statement: `async function*` statement