Arrow functions
Function shorthand using `=>` syntax and lexical `this` binding.
Async functions
Async functions make it possible to treat functions returning Promise objects as if they were synchronous.
Base64 encoding and decoding
Utility functions for encoding and decoding strings to and from base 64: window.atob() and window.btoa().
Basic console logging functions
Method of outputting data to the browser's console, intended for development purposes.
console.time and console.timeEnd
Functions for measuring performance
CSS filter() function
This function filters a CSS input image with a set of filter functions (like blur, grayscale or hue)
CSS Filter Effects
Method of applying filter effects using the `filter` property to elements, matching filters available in SVG. Filter functions include blur, brightness, contrast, drop-shadow, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, sepia and saturate.
LCH and Lab color values
The `lch()` and `lab()` color functions are based on the CIE LAB color space, representing colors in a way that closely matches human perception and provides access to a wider spectrum of colors than offered by the usual RGB color space.
CSS math functions min(), max() and clamp()
More advanced mathematical expressions in addition to `calc()`
ECMAScript 2015 (ES6)
Support for the ECMAScript 2015 specification. Features include Promises, Modules, Classes, Template Literals, Arrow Functions, Let and Const, Default Parameters, Generators, Destructuring Assignment, Rest & Spread, Map/Set & WeakMap/WeakSet and many more.
ES6 Generators
ES6 Generators are special functions that can be used to control the iteration behavior of a loop. Generators are defined using a `function*` declaration.
TLS 1.3
Version 1.3 (the latest one) of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. Removes weaker elliptic curves and hash functions.
WebAssembly Multi-Value
An extension to WebAssembly allowing instructions, blocks and functions to produce multiple result values
DOM Parsing and Serialization
Various DOM parsing and serializing functions, specifically `DOMParser`, `XMLSerializer`, `innerHTML`, `outerHTML` and `insertAdjacentHTML`.
css property: aspect-ratio
javascript built-in: function: name: inferred names on anonymous functions
javascript function
javascript function: arguments
javascript function: arguments: [symbol.iterator]
javascript function: arguments: callee
javascript function: arguments: length
javascript function: arrow functions: trailing comma in parameters
javascript function: block-level functions
javascript function: default parameters
javascript function: default parameters: destructured parameter with default value assignment
javascript function: default parameters: parameters without defaults after default parameters
javascript function: get
javascript function: get: computed property names
javascript function: method definitions
javascript function: method definitions: async generator methods
javascript function: method definitions: async methods
javascript function: method definitions: generator methods are not constructable (es2016)
javascript function: rest parameters: destructuring rest parameters
javascript function: set
javascript function: set: computed property names
grammar: trailing commas: trailing comma in function parameters
ecmascript 2017 (es8)
37 results found.