1. tabindex global attribute

    Specifies the focusability of the element and in what order (if any) it should become focused (relative to other elements) when "tabbing" through the document.

  2. WebAssembly Import/Export of Mutable Globals

    An extension to WebAssembly import and export of mutable global variables

  3. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: globalalpha

  4. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: globalcompositeoperation

  5. navigator api: globalprivacycontrol

  6. offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: globalalpha

  7. offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: globalcompositeoperation

  8. paintrenderingcontext2d api: globalalpha

  9. paintrenderingcontext2d api: globalcompositeoperation

  10. workerglobalscope api

  11. workerglobalscope api: dump

  12. workerglobalscope api: fonts

  13. workerglobalscope api: importscripts

  14. workerglobalscope api: location

  15. workerglobalscope api: navigator

  16. workerglobalscope api: self

  17. workernavigator api: globalprivacycontrol

  18. types: global keywords

  19. types: global keywords: inherit

  20. types: global keywords: revert

  21. types: global keywords: revert-layer

  22. types: global keywords: unset

  23. javascript built-in: globalthis

  24. javascript built-in: regexp: global

  25. javascript built-in: regexp: global: prototype accessor property (es2015)

  26. global_attributes: class

  27. global_attributes: class: animation support

  28. global_attributes: color-interpolation

  29. global_attributes: color-interpolation: lineargradient

  30. global_attributes: color-interpolation: srgb

  31. global_attributes: data

  32. global_attributes: fill

  33. global_attributes: fill-rule

  34. global_attributes: fill: `context-fill`

  35. global_attributes: font-size-adjust

  36. global_attributes: href

  37. global_attributes: id

  38. global_attributes: letter-spacing

  39. global_attributes: paint-order

  40. global_attributes: requiredextensions

  41. global_attributes: requiredextensions: recognizes mathml namespace

  42. global_attributes: stroke

  43. global_attributes: stroke: `context-stroke`

  44. global_attributes: style

  45. global_attributes: tabindex

  46. global_attributes: textlength

  47. global_attributes: transform-origin

  48. global_attributes: vector-effect

  49. global_attributes: word-spacing

  50. global_attributes: xml:space