1. CSS3 Background-image options

    New properties to affect background images, including background-clip, background-origin and background-size

  2. :has() CSS relational pseudo-class

    Select elements containing specific content. For example, `a:has(img)` selects all `<a>` elements that contain an `<img>` child.

  3. naturalWidth & naturalHeight image properties

    Properties defining the intrinsic width and height of the image, rather than the displayed width & height.

  4. Lazy loading via attribute for images & iframes

    The `loading` attribute on images & iframes gives authors control over when the browser should start loading the resource.

  5. Srcset and sizes attributes

    The `srcset` and `sizes` attributes on `img` (or `source`) elements allow authors to define various image resources and "hints" that assist a user agent to determine the most appropriate image source to display (e.g. high-resolution displays, small monitors, etc).

  6. SVG in HTML img element

    Method of displaying SVG images in HTML using <img>.

  7. html element: img

  8. html element: img: align

  9. html element: img: alt

  10. html element: img: aspect ratio computed from `width` and `height` attributes

  11. html element: img: attributionsrc

  12. html element: img: border

  13. html element: img: crossorigin

  14. html element: img: decoding

  15. html element: img: fetchpriority

  16. html element: img: height

  17. html element: img: hspace

  18. html element: img: ismap

  19. html element: img: loading

  20. html element: img: longdesc

  21. html element: img: name

  22. html element: img: referrerpolicy

  23. html element: img: referrerpolicy: no-referrer-when-downgrade

  24. html element: img: referrerpolicy: origin-when-cross-origin

  25. html element: img: referrerpolicy: unsafe-url

  26. html element: img: sizes

  27. html element: img: sizes: `auto` value

  28. html element: img: src

  29. html element: img: usemap

  30. html element: img: usemap: content is case-sensitive

  31. html element: img: vspace

  32. html element: img: width

  33. headers http header: content-security-policy: img-src