JavaScript modules via script tag
Loading JavaScript module scripts (aka ES6 modules) using `<script type="module">` Includes support for the `nomodule` attribute.
JavaScript modules: dynamic import()
Loading JavaScript modules dynamically using the import() syntax
Import maps
Import maps allow control over what URLs get fetched by JavaScript `import` statements and `import()` expressions.
HTML Imports
Deprecated method of including and reusing HTML documents in other HTML documents. Superseded by ES modules.
WebAssembly Import/Export of Mutable Globals
An extension to WebAssembly import and export of mutable global variables
cssimportrule api
cssimportrule api: href
cssimportrule api: layername
cssimportrule api: media
cssimportrule api: stylesheet
cssimportrule api: supportstext
document api: importnode
gpudevice api: importexternaltexture
gpudevice api: importexternaltexture: `display-p3` color space
gpudevice api: importexternaltexture: `videoframe` object as source
subtlecrypto api: importkey
subtlecrypto api: importkey: `ed25519` algorithm
subtlecrypto api: importkey: `x25519` algorithm
workerglobalscope api: importscripts
workerglobalscope api: importscripts: strict mime type checks for `importscripts()`
xsltprocessor api: importstylesheet
css at-rule: `@import`
css at-rule: `@import`: `layer()`
css at-rule: `@import`: `supports()` as import condition
css at-rule: `@keyframes`: ignore `!important` declarations
html element: script: type: `type="importmap"`
html element: script: type: `type="importmap"`: integrity
grammar: trailing commas: trailing comma in dynamic import
javascript operator: import
javascript operator: `import.meta`
javascript operator: `import.meta`: `import.meta.resolve`
javascript operator: import: the `options` parameter
javascript operator: import: available in workers
javascript statement: import
javascript statement: import: import attributes with `assert` syntax (formerly import assertions)
javascript statement: import: import attributes with `assert` syntax (formerly import assertions): `assert {type: 'css'}`
javascript statement: import: import attributes with `assert` syntax (formerly import assertions): `assert {type: 'json'}`
javascript statement: import: import attributes (`with` syntax)
javascript statement: import: import attributes (`with` syntax): `with {type: 'css'}`
javascript statement: import: import attributes (`with` syntax): `with {type: 'json'}`
javascript statement: import: available in service workers
javascript statement: import: available in workers
javascript statement: import: available in worklets
ecmascript 2020 (es11)
44 results found.