1. ::first-letter CSS pseudo-element selector

    CSS pseudo-element that allows styling only the first "letter" of text within an element. Useful for implementing initial caps or drop caps styling.

  2. CSS font-palette

    The font-palette CSS property allows selecting a palette from a color font. In combination with the `@font-palette-values` at-rule, custom palettes can be defined.

  3. CSS image-set

    Method of letting the browser pick the most appropriate CSS image from a given set.

  4. CSS Initial Letter

    Method of creating an enlarged cap, including a drop or raised cap, in a robust way.

  5. letter-spacing CSS property

    Controls spacing between characters of text (i.e. "tracking" in typographical terms). Not to be confused with kerning.

  6. autocomplete attribute: on & off values

    The `autocomplete` attribute for `input` elements indicates to the browser whether a value should or should not be autofilled when appropriate.

  7. let

    Declares a variable with block level scope

  8. audioworklet api

  9. audioworkletglobalscope api

  10. audioworkletglobalscope api: currentframe

  11. audioworkletglobalscope api: currenttime

  12. audioworkletglobalscope api: samplerate

  13. audioworkletnode api

  14. audioworkletnode api: parameters

  15. audioworkletnode api: port

  16. audioworkletnode api: `processorerror` event

  17. audioworkletprocessor api

  18. audioworkletprocessor api: port

  19. cache api: delete

  20. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: letterspacing

  21. cssfontpalettevaluesrule api

  22. cssfontpalettevaluesrule api: basepalette

  23. cssfontpalettevaluesrule api: fontfamily

  24. cssfontpalettevaluesrule api: name

  25. cssfontpalettevaluesrule api: overridecolors

  26. offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: letterspacing

  27. paintworkletglobalscope api

  28. paintworkletglobalscope api: devicepixelratio

  29. paintworkletglobalscope api: registerpaint

  30. range api: deletecontents

  31. text api: wholetext

  32. worklet api

  33. workletglobalscope api

  34. workletsharedstorage api

  35. workletsharedstorage api: [symbol.asynciterator]

  36. workletsharedstorage api: context

  37. workletsharedstorage api: entries

  38. workletsharedstorage api: get

  39. workletsharedstorage api: keys

  40. workletsharedstorage api: length

  41. workletsharedstorage api: remainingbudget

  42. worklet api: addmodule

  43. worklet api: support for ecmascript modules

  44. css property: initial-letter: normal

  45. css property: letter-spacing: normal

  46. css property: letter-spacing: on svg elements

  47. css selector: `::first-letter`: support for the dutch digraph `ij`

  48. css selector: `::first-letter`: support on svg `<text>` element

  49. javascript statement: let

  50. global_attributes: letter-spacing