naturalWidth & naturalHeight image properties
Properties defining the intrinsic width and height of the image, rather than the displayed width & height.
XMLHttpRequest advanced features
Updated functionality to the original XHR specification including things like file uploads, transfer progress information and the ability to send FormData. Previously known as [XMLHttpRequest Level 2](, these features now appear simply in the XMLHttpRequest spec.
css api: `lh()` static method
xmlhttprequest api
xmlhttprequesteventtarget api
xmlhttprequestupload api
xmlhttprequestupload api: `abort` event
xmlhttprequestupload api: `error` event
xmlhttprequestupload api: `loadend` event
xmlhttprequestupload api: `loadstart` event
xmlhttprequestupload api: `load` event
xmlhttprequestupload api: `progress` event
xmlhttprequestupload api: `timeout` event
xmlhttprequest api: abort
xmlhttprequest api: `abort` event
xmlhttprequest api: `error` event
xmlhttprequest api: getallresponseheaders
xmlhttprequest api: getresponseheader
xmlhttprequest api: `loadend` event
xmlhttprequest api: `loadstart` event
xmlhttprequest api: `load` event
xmlhttprequest api: open
xmlhttprequest api: overridemimetype
xmlhttprequest api: `progress` event
xmlhttprequest api: readystate
xmlhttprequest api: `readystatechange` event
xmlhttprequest api: response
xmlhttprequest api: responsetext
xmlhttprequest api: responsetype
xmlhttprequest api: responsetype: arraybuffer_value
xmlhttprequest api: responsetype: blob_value
xmlhttprequest api: responsetype: document_value
xmlhttprequest api: responsetype: json_value
xmlhttprequest api: responseurl
xmlhttprequest api: responsexml
xmlhttprequest api: send
xmlhttprequest api: send: blob as parameter to send()
xmlhttprequest api: send: formdata as parameter to send()
xmlhttprequest api: setattributionreporting
xmlhttprequest api: setprivatetoken
xmlhttprequest api: setrequestheader
xmlhttprequest api: status
xmlhttprequest api: statustext
xmlhttprequest api: timeout
xmlhttprequest api: `timeout` event
xmlhttprequest api: upload
xmlhttprequest api: withcredentials
xmlhttprequest api: available in workers
xmlhttprequest api: `xmlhttprequest()` constructor
types: `<length>`: `lh` unit
50 results found.