theme-color Meta Tag
Meta tag to define a suggested color that browsers should use to customize the display of the page or of the surrounding user interface. The meta tag overrides any theme-color set in the web app manifest.
Proxy object
The Proxy object allows custom behavior to be defined for fundamental operations. Useful for logging, profiling, object visualization, etc.
Referrer Policy
A policy that controls how much information is shared through the HTTP `Referer` header. Helps to protect user privacy.
filesystementry api: getmetadata
gestureevent api: metakey
htmlmediaelement api: `loadedmetadata` event
htmlmediaelement api: mozgetmetadata
htmlmetaelement api
htmlmetaelement api: content
htmlmetaelement api: httpequiv
htmlmetaelement api: media
htmlmetaelement api: name
htmlmetaelement api: scheme
keyboardevent api: getmodifierstate: `"meta"` as `key` parameter
keyboardevent api: metakey
mediametadata api
mediametadata api: album
mediametadata api: artist
mediametadata api: artwork
mediametadata api: chapterinfo
mediametadata api: `mediametadata()` constructor
mediametadata api: title
mediasession api
mediasession api: metadata
metadata api
metadata api: modificationtime
metadata api: size
mouseevent api: metakey
rtcencodedaudioframe api: getmetadata
rtcencodedvideoframe api: getmetadata
svgmetadataelement api
texttrack api: inbandmetadatatrackdispatchtype
touchevent api: metakey
html element: meta
html element: meta: charset
html element: meta: content
html element: meta: http-equiv
html element: meta: http-equiv: http-equiv="content-language"
html element: meta: http-equiv: http-equiv="content-security-policy"
html element: meta: http-equiv: http-equiv="content-type"
html element: meta: http-equiv: http-equiv="refresh"
html element: meta: name
html element: meta: name: color-scheme
html element: meta: name: referrer
html element: meta: name: theme-color
html element: meta: scheme
headers http header: content-security-policy: `<meta>` element support
javascript operator: `import.meta`
javascript operator: `import.meta`: `import.meta.resolve`
svg element: metadata
50 results found.