1. CSS background-position edge offsets

    Allows CSS background images to be positioned relative to the specified edge using the 3 to 4 value syntax. For example: `background-position: right 5px bottom 5px;` for positioning 5px from the bottom-right corner.

  2. CSS Motion Path

    Allows elements to be animated along SVG paths or shapes via the `offset-path` property. Originally defined as the `motion-path` property.

  3. caretposition api: offset

  4. caretposition api: offsetnode

  5. constantsourcenode api: offset

  6. gpucompilationmessage api: offset

  7. htmlelement api: offsetheight

  8. htmlelement api: offsetleft

  9. htmlelement api: offsetparent

  10. htmlelement api: offsettop

  11. htmlelement api: offsetwidth

  12. mouseevent api: offsetx

  13. mouseevent api: offsety

  14. selection api: collapse: `offset` parameter is optional

  15. selection api: extend: `offset` parameter is optional

  16. svgcomponenttransferfunctionelement api: offset

  17. svgfeoffsetelement api

  18. svgfeoffsetelement api: dx

  19. svgfeoffsetelement api: dy

  20. svgfeoffsetelement api: in1

  21. svgfeoffsetelement api: x

  22. svgfeoffsetelement api: y

  23. svgstopelement api: offset

  24. visualviewport api: offsetleft

  25. visualviewport api: offsettop

  26. vreyeparameters api: offset

  27. css property: offset

  28. css property: offset-anchor

  29. css property: offset-anchor: auto

  30. css property: offset-distance

  31. css property: offset-path: `<basic-shape>`

  32. css property: offset-path: `<coord-box>`

  33. css property: offset-path: support for `path()` function as a value

  34. css property: offset-path: support for `ray()` function as a value

  35. css property: offset-path: `<url>`

  36. css property: offset-position

  37. css property: offset-position: auto

  38. css property: offset-position: normal

  39. css property: offset-rotate

  40. css property: offset-rotate: auto

  41. css property: offset-rotate: reverse

  42. css property: outline-offset

  43. css property: text-underline-offset

  44. css property: text-underline-offset: auto

  45. css property: text-underline-offset: percentage values

  46. types: `<basic-shape>`: `path()`: in `offset-path`

  47. types: `<position>`: four-value syntax for offset from any edge

  48. javascript built-in: temporal api: temporal.zoneddatetime interface: temporal.zoneddatetime.offset

  49. javascript built-in: temporal api: temporal.zoneddatetime interface: temporal.zoneddatetime.offsetnanoseconds

  50. svg element: stop: offset