1. CSS Logical Properties

    Logical properties and values provide control of layout through logical, rather than physical, direction and dimension mappings. These properties are `writing-mode` relative equivalents of their corresponding physical properties.

  2. HTTP/2 protocol

    Networking protocol for low-latency transport of content over the web. Originally started out from the SPDY protocol, now standardized as HTTP version 2.

  3. Selection controls for input & textarea

    Controls for setting and getting text selection via `setSelectionRange()` and the `selectionStart` & `selectionEnd` properties.

  4. Lazy loading via attribute for images & iframes

    The `loading` attribute on images & iframes gives authors control over when the browser should start loading the resource.

  5. Server Name Indication

    An extension to the TLS computer networking protocol by which a client indicates which hostname it is attempting to connect to at the start of the handshaking process.

  6. eventtarget api: addeventlistener: form with `options` object supported (third parameter can be either options or a `boolean`, for backwards compatibility): `options.passive` parameter defaults to `true` for `touchstart` and `touchmove` events

  7. htmlolistelement api: start

  8. range api: collapse: `tostart` parameter is optional

  9. selection api: collapsetostart

  10. css property: border-block-start-color

  11. css property: border-inline-start-color

  12. css property: grid-column-start

  13. css property: scroll-margin-block-start

  14. css property: scroll-margin-inline-start

  15. css property: scroll-padding-block-start

  16. css property: scroll-padding-block-start: auto

  17. css property: scroll-padding-inline-start

  18. css property: scroll-padding-inline-start: auto

  19. css property: scroll-snap-align: start

  20. html element: ol: start