1. CSS all property

    A shorthand property for resetting all CSS properties except for `direction` and `unicode-bidi`.

  2. CSS clip-path property (for HTML)

    Method of defining the visible region of an HTML element using SVG or a shape definition.

  3. CSS Filter Effects

    Method of applying filter effects using the `filter` property to elements, matching filters available in SVG. Filter functions include blur, brightness, contrast, drop-shadow, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, sepia and saturate.

  4. letter-spacing CSS property

    Controls spacing between characters of text (i.e. "tracking" in typographical terms). Not to be confused with kerning.

  5. CSS overflow property

    Originally a single property for controlling overflowing content in both horizontal & vertical directions, the `overflow` property is now a shorthand for `overflow-x` & `overflow-y`. The latest version of the specification also introduces the `clip` value that blocks programmatic scrolling.

  6. CSS resize property

    Method of allowing an element to be resized by the user, with options to limit to a given direction.

  7. CSS touch-action property

    touch-action is a CSS property that controls filtering of gesture events, providing developers with a declarative mechanism to selectively disable touch scrolling (in one or both axes) or double-tap-zooming.

  8. CSS writing-mode property

    Property to define whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically and the direction in which blocks progress.

  9. gap property for Flexbox

    `gap` for flexbox containers to create gaps/gutters between flex items

  10. CSS -webkit-user-drag property

    The non-standard `-webkit-user-drag` CSS property can be used to either make an element draggable or explicitly non-draggable (like links and images). See the standardized [draggable attribute/property](/mdn-api_htmlelement_draggable) for the recommended alternative method of accomplishing the same functionality.

  11. CSS will-change property

    Method of optimizing animations by informing the browser which elements will change and what properties will change.

  12. transitionevent api: propertyname

  13. css property: alt

  14. css property: aspect-ratio

  15. css property: clear

  16. css property: clip

  17. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-bottom`

  18. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-left`

  19. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-right`

  20. css property: --*: `env()`: safe area inset variable `safe-area-inset-top`

  21. css property: --*: `env()`: window controls overlay variable `titlebar-area-height`

  22. css property: --*: `env()`: window controls overlay variable `titlebar-area-width`

  23. css property: --*: `env()`: window controls overlay variable `titlebar-area-x`

  24. css property: --*: `env()`: window controls overlay variable `titlebar-area-y`

  25. css property: --*: `var()`

  26. css property: cx

  27. css property: cy

  28. css property: d

  29. css property: fill

  30. css property: float

  31. css property: font

  32. css property: gap

  33. css property: inset

  34. css property: left

  35. css property: order

  36. css property: page

  37. css property: r

  38. css property: right

  39. css property: rx

  40. css property: ry

  41. css property: scale

  42. css property: speak

  43. css property: text-underline-offset

  44. css property: top

  45. css property: unicode-bidi

  46. css property: width

  47. css property: x

  48. css property: y

  49. javascript operator: property accessors

  50. css max-lines property