1. CSS all property

    A shorthand property for resetting all CSS properties except for `direction` and `unicode-bidi`.

  2. CSS Counters

    Method of controlling number values in generated content, using the `counter-reset` and `counter-increment` properties.

  3. CSS revert value

    A CSS keyword value that resets a property's value to the default specified by the browser in its UA stylesheet, as if the webpage had not included any CSS. For example, `display:revert` on a `<div>` would result in `display:block`. This is in contrast to the `initial` value, which is simply defined on a per-property basis, and for `display` would be `inline`.

  4. audiodecoder api: reset

  5. audioencoder api: reset

  6. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: reset

  7. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: resettransform

  8. console api: `countreset()` static method

  9. fontface api: featuresettings

  10. gamepadhapticactuator api: reset

  11. htmlformelement api: reset

  12. htmlformelement api: `reset` event

  13. imagedecoder api: reset

  14. offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: reset

  15. offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: resettransform

  16. paintrenderingcontext2d api: resettransform

  17. positionsensorvrdevice api: resetsensor

  18. usbdevice api: reset

  19. videodecoder api: reset

  20. videoencoder api: reset

  21. vrdisplay api: resetpose

  22. xrreferencespace api: `reset` event

  23. xsltprocessor api: reset

  24. css property: counter-reset: list-item

  25. css property: counter-reset: none

  26. css property: counter-reset: resets counter on current element (not sibling elements).

  27. css property: counter-reset: `reversed()`

  28. css property: zoom: the `reset` value

  29. html element: input: `type="reset"`