1. Battery Status API

    Method to provide information about the battery status of the hosting device.

  2. Web Cryptography

    JavaScript API for performing basic cryptographic operations in web applications

  3. CSS Container Query Units

    Container Query Units specify a length relative to the dimensions of a query container. The units include: `cqw`, `cqh`, `cqi`, `cqb`, `cqmin`, and `cqmax`.

  4. Details & Summary elements

    The <details> element generates a simple no-JavaScript widget to show/hide element contents, optionally by clicking on its child <summary> element.

  5. Encrypted Media Extensions

    The EncryptedMediaExtenstions API provides interfaces for controlling the playback of content which is subject to a DRM scheme.

  6. crypto.getRandomValues()

    Method of generating cryptographically random values.

  7. Session history management

    Method of manipulating the user's browser's session history in JavaScript using `history.pushState`, `history.replaceState` and the `popstate` event.

  8. Directory selection from file input

    The `webkitdirectory` attribute on the `<input type="file">` element allows entire directory with file contents (and any subdirectories) to be selected.

  9. matchMedia

    API for finding out whether or not a media query applies to the document.

  10. prefers-color-scheme media query

    Media query to detect if the user has set their system to use a light or dark color theme.

  11. prefers-reduced-motion media query

    CSS media query based on a user preference for preferring reduced motion (animation, etc).

  12. querySelector/querySelectorAll

    Method of accessing DOM elements using CSS selectors

  13. WebAssembly Bulk Memory Operations

    An extension to WebAssembly adding bulk memory operations and conditional segment initialization

  14. batterymanager api: charging

  15. batterymanager api: `chargingchange` event

  16. batterymanager api: chargingtime

  17. batterymanager api: `chargingtimechange` event

  18. batterymanager api: dischargingtime

  19. batterymanager api: `dischargingtimechange` event

  20. batterymanager api: level

  21. batterymanager api: `levelchange` event

  22. batterymanager api: secure context required

  23. cryptokey api

  24. cryptokey api: algorithm

  25. cryptokey api: extractable

  26. cryptokey api: type

  27. cryptokey api: usages

  28. crypto api: `getrandomvalues()`

  29. crypto api: `randomuuid()`

  30. crypto api: subtle

  31. crypto api: subtle: secure context required

  32. crypto api: available in workers

  33. entrysync api

  34. gpuqueryset api

  35. history api

  36. history api: back

  37. history api: forward

  38. history api: go

  39. history api: length

  40. history api: pushstate

  41. history api: pushstate: whether the `unused` parameter is used

  42. history api: replacestate

  43. history api: replacestate: whether the `unused` parameter is used

  44. history api: scrollrestoration

  45. history api: state

  46. svgellipseelement api: ry

  47. svgrectelement api: ry

  48. css property: ry

  49. svg element: ellipse: ry

  50. svg element: rect: ry