1. KeyboardEvent.getModifierState()

    `KeyboardEvent` method that returns the state (whether the key is pressed/locked or not) of the given modifier key.

  2. audiodecoder api: state

  3. audioencoder api: state

  4. history api: state

  5. mediarecorder api: state

  6. midiport api: state

  7. videodecoder api: state

  8. videoencoder api: state

  9. javascript statement: `async function*` statement

  10. javascript statement: block

  11. javascript statement: break

  12. javascript statement: class

  13. javascript statement: continue

  14. javascript statement: debugger

  15. javascript statement: `do...while`

  16. javascript statement: empty statement (`;`)

  17. javascript statement: export

  18. javascript statement: export: `default` keyword with `export`

  19. javascript statement: export: `export * as namespace`

  20. javascript statement: for

  21. javascript statement: `for await...of`

  22. javascript statement: `for...in`

  23. javascript statement: `for...of`

  24. javascript statement: `for...of`: closing iterators

  25. javascript statement: `function` statement

  26. javascript statement: `function` statement: trailing comma in parameters

  27. javascript statement: `function*` statement: `iteratorresult` object instead of throwing

  28. javascript statement: `function*` statement: not constructable with `new` (es2016)

  29. javascript statement: `function*` statement: trailing comma in parameters

  30. javascript statement: `if...else`

  31. javascript statement: import

  32. javascript statement: import: import attributes with `assert` syntax (formerly import assertions)

  33. javascript statement: import: import attributes with `assert` syntax (formerly import assertions): `assert {type: 'css'}`

  34. javascript statement: import: import attributes with `assert` syntax (formerly import assertions): `assert {type: 'json'}`

  35. javascript statement: import: import attributes (`with` syntax)

  36. javascript statement: import: import attributes (`with` syntax): `with {type: 'css'}`

  37. javascript statement: import: import attributes (`with` syntax): `with {type: 'json'}`

  38. javascript statement: import: available in service workers

  39. javascript statement: import: available in workers

  40. javascript statement: import: available in worklets

  41. javascript statement: label

  42. javascript statement: let

  43. javascript statement: return

  44. javascript statement: switch

  45. javascript statement: throw

  46. javascript statement: `try...catch`

  47. javascript statement: `try...catch`: optional catch binding

  48. javascript statement: var

  49. javascript statement: while

  50. javascript statement: with