1. SVG (basic support)

    Method of displaying basic Vector Graphics features using the embed or object elements. Refers to the SVG 1.1 spec.

  2. CSS text-stroke and text-fill

    Method of declaring the outline (stroke) width and color for text.

  3. SVG vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke

    The `non-scaling-stroke` value for the `vector-effect` SVG attribute/CSS property makes strokes appear as the same width regardless of any transformations applied.

  4. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: ispointinstroke

  5. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: ispointinstroke: `path` parameter

  6. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: stroke

  7. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: strokerect

  8. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: strokestyle

  9. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: stroketext

  10. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: stroke: `path` parameter

  11. offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: ispointinstroke

  12. offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: stroke

  13. offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: strokerect

  14. offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: strokestyle

  15. offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: stroketext

  16. paintrenderingcontext2d api: ispointinstroke

  17. paintrenderingcontext2d api: stroke

  18. paintrenderingcontext2d api: strokerect

  19. paintrenderingcontext2d api: strokestyle

  20. svggeometryelement api: ispointinstroke

  21. svggeometryelement api: ispointinstroke: accepts a `dompoint` as `point` parameter

  22. css property: -webkit-text-stroke

  23. css property: -webkit-text-stroke-color

  24. css property: -webkit-text-stroke-width

  25. css property: clip-path: stroke-box

  26. css property: mask-origin: `stroke-box`

  27. css property: stroke

  28. css property: stroke-color

  29. css property: stroke-dasharray

  30. css property: stroke-dasharray: none

  31. css property: stroke-dashoffset

  32. css property: stroke-linecap

  33. css property: stroke-linecap: butt

  34. css property: stroke-linecap: round

  35. css property: stroke-linecap: square

  36. css property: stroke-linejoin

  37. css property: stroke-linejoin: bevel

  38. css property: stroke-linejoin: miter

  39. css property: stroke-linejoin: round

  40. css property: stroke-miterlimit

  41. css property: stroke-opacity

  42. css property: stroke-width

  43. css property: transform-box: stroke-box

  44. global_attributes: stroke

  45. global_attributes: stroke: `context-stroke`

  46. css stroke-align (previously stroke-alignment) property