1. CSS touch-action property

    touch-action is a CSS property that controls filtering of gesture events, providing developers with a declarative mechanism to selectively disable touch scrolling (in one or both axes) or double-tap-zooming.

  2. Touch events

    Method of registering when, where and how the interface is touched, for devices with a touch screen. These DOM events are similar to mousedown, mousemove, etc.

  3. document api: createtouch

  4. document api: createtouchlist

  5. element api: `touchcancel` event

  6. element api: `touchend` event

  7. element api: `touchmove` event

  8. element api: `touchstart` event

  9. gamepadbutton api: touched

  10. navigator api: maxtouchpoints

  11. touch api

  12. touchevent api

  13. touchevent api: altkey

  14. touchevent api: changedtouches

  15. touchevent api: ctrlkey

  16. touchevent api: metakey

  17. touchevent api: shiftkey

  18. touchevent api: targettouches

  19. touchevent api: touches

  20. touchevent api: `touchevent()` constructor

  21. touchlist api

  22. touchlist api: item

  23. touchlist api: length

  24. touch api: altitudeangle

  25. touch api: azimuthangle

  26. touch api: clientx

  27. touch api: clienty

  28. touch api: force

  29. touch api: identifier

  30. touch api: pagex

  31. touch api: pagey

  32. touch api: radiusx

  33. touch api: radiusy

  34. touch api: rotationangle

  35. touch api: screenx

  36. touch api: screeny

  37. touch api: target

  38. touch api: `touch()` constructor

  39. touch api: touchtype

  40. css property: -webkit-touch-callout

  41. css property: touch-action: double-tap-zoom

  42. css property: touch-action: manipulation

  43. css property: touch-action: none

  44. css property: touch-action: pan-down

  45. css property: touch-action: pan-left

  46. css property: touch-action: pan-right

  47. css property: touch-action: pan-up

  48. css property: touch-action: pan-x

  49. css property: touch-action: pan-y

  50. css property: touch-action: pinch-zoom