1. CSS clip-path property (for HTML)

    Method of defining the visible region of an HTML element using SVG or a shape definition.

  2. CSS Masks

    Method of displaying part of an element, using a selected image as a mask

  3. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: clip: `path` parameter

  4. svgclippathelement api

  5. svgclippathelement api: clippathunits

  6. svgclippathelement api: transform

  7. css property: clip-path: `<basic-shape>`

  8. css property: clip-path: fill-box

  9. css property: clip-path: on html elements

  10. css property: clip-path: is animatable

  11. css property: clip-path: `path()`

  12. css property: clip-path: stroke-box

  13. css property: clip-path: on svg elements

  14. css property: clip-path: view-box

  15. types: `<basic-shape>`: `path()`: in `clip-path`

  16. svg element: clippath

  17. svg element: clippath: clippathunits

  18. svg element: clippath: systemlanguage

  19. global_attributes: clip-path