CSS Animation
Complex method of animating certain properties of an element
API to get the current computed CSS styles applied to an element. This may be the current value applied by an animation or as set by a stylesheet.
prefers-reduced-motion media query
CSS media query based on a user preference for preferring reduced motion (animation, etc).
Web Animations API
Lets you create animations that are run in the browser, as well as inspect and manipulate animations created through declarative means like CSS.
CSS will-change property
Method of optimizing animations by informing the browser which elements will change and what properties will change.
cssanimation api
cssanimation api: animationname
css at-rule: `@media`: `-webkit-animation` media feature
css property: animation-composition
css property: animation-delay
css property: animation-direction
css property: animation-direction: alternate
css property: animation-direction: alternate-reverse
css property: animation-direction: normal
css property: animation-direction: reverse
css property: animation-duration
css property: animation-duration: `auto` value
css property: animation-fill-mode
css property: animation-fill-mode: backwards
css property: animation-fill-mode: both
css property: animation-fill-mode: forwards
css property: animation-fill-mode: none
css property: animation-iteration-count
css property: animation-iteration-count: infinite
css property: animation-name
css property: animation-name: none
css property: animation-play-state
css property: animation-play-state: paused
css property: animation-play-state: running
css property: animation-range
css property: animation-range-end
css property: animation-range-end: normal
css property: animation-range-start
css property: animation-range-start: normal
css property: animation-timeline
css property: animation-timeline: `scroll()`
css property: animation-timeline: `view()`
css property: animation-timing-function
css property: animation-timing-function: `jump-` keywords for `steps()`
css property: animation: `animation-timeline` included in shorthand
css property: font-palette: animation of `font-palette` by computed value
css property: grid-template-columns: animation of tracks
css property: grid-template-rows: animation of tracks
css selector: `::after`: animation and transition support
css selector: `::before`: animation and transition support
css selector: `::marker`: animation and transition support
types: `<basic-shape>`: animation
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