1. Explicit descendant combinator >>

    An explicit, non-whitespace spelling of the descendant combinator. `A >> B` is equivalent to `A B`.

  2. Lookbehind in JS regular expressions

    The positive lookbehind (`(?<= )`) and negative lookbehind (`(?<! )`) zero-width assertions in JavaScript regular expressions can be used to ensure a pattern is preceded by another pattern.

  3. WebAssembly Import/Export of Mutable Globals

    An extension to WebAssembly import and export of mutable global variables

  4. audioparam api: exponentialramptovalueattime

  5. document api: createexpression

  6. element api: ariaexpanded

  7. event api: explicitoriginaltarget

  8. inkpresenter api: expectedimprovement

  9. mediakeysession api: expiration

  10. mlgraphbuilder api: exp

  11. mlgraphbuilder api: expand

  12. pushsubscription api: expirationtime

  13. rtccertificate api: expires

  14. storagebucket api: expires

  15. subtlecrypto api: exportkey

  16. subtlecrypto api: exportkey: `ed25519` algorithm

  17. svgcomponenttransferfunctionelement api: exponent

  18. xpathexpression api

  19. xpathexpression api: evaluate

  20. css at-rule: `@media`: `calc()` expressions

  21. css at-rule: `@media`: media feature expressions

  22. types: `exp()`

  23. html element: link: rel: rel=expect

  24. html element: script: type: `type="speculationrules"`: `expects_no_vary_search` key

  25. html attribute: exportparts

  26. headers http header: access-control-expose-headers

  27. headers http header: access-control-expose-headers: wildcard (`*`)

  28. headers http header: expect-ct

  29. headers http header: expires

  30. javascript built-in: math: exp

  31. javascript built-in: math: expm1

  32. grammar: regular expression literals (`/ab+c/g`)

  33. javascript operator: `async function` expression

  34. javascript operator: `async function*` expression

  35. javascript operator: exponentiation (`**`)

  36. javascript operator: exponentiation assignment (`x **= y`)

  37. javascript operator: `function` expression

  38. javascript operator: `function` expression: trailing comma in parameters

  39. javascript operator: `function*` expression

  40. javascript operator: `function*` expression: trailing comma in parameters

  41. regular_expressions: backreference: `\1`, `\2`

  42. regular_expressions: capturing group: `(...)`

  43. regular_expressions: disjunction: `|`

  44. regular_expressions: wildcard: `.`

  45. javascript statement: export

  46. javascript statement: export: `default` keyword with `export`

  47. javascript statement: export: `export * as namespace`

  48. lookahead assertions in js regular expressions

  49. internet explorer features

  50. microsoft internet explorer