1. sandbox attribute for iframes

    Method of running external site pages with reduced privileges (e.g. no JavaScript) in iframes.

  2. seamless attribute for iframes

    The seamless attribute makes an iframe's contents actually part of a page, and adopts the styles from its hosting page. The attribute has been removed from both [the WHATWG](https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/331) and [the W3C](https://github.com/w3c/html/pull/325) HTML5 specifications.

  3. srcdoc attribute for iframes

    Override the content specified in the `src` attribute (if present) with HTML content within the attribute.

  4. Lazy loading via attribute for images & iframes

    The `loading` attribute on images & iframes gives authors control over when the browser should start loading the resource.

  5. htmliframeelement api

  6. htmliframeelement api: align

  7. htmliframeelement api: allow

  8. htmliframeelement api: csp

  9. htmliframeelement api: name

  10. htmliframeelement api: src

  11. htmliframeelement api: srcdoc

  12. htmliframeelement api: width

  13. html element: iframe

  14. html element: iframe: align

  15. html element: iframe: allow

  16. html element: iframe: allowfullscreen

  17. html element: iframe: allowpaymentrequest

  18. html element: iframe: browsingtopics

  19. html element: iframe: credentialless

  20. html element: iframe: csp

  21. html element: iframe: frameborder

  22. html element: iframe: height

  23. html element: iframe: loading

  24. html element: iframe: longdesc

  25. html element: iframe: marginheight

  26. html element: iframe: marginwidth

  27. html element: iframe: name

  28. html element: iframe: referrerpolicy

  29. html element: iframe: referrerpolicy: no-referrer-when-downgrade

  30. html element: iframe: referrerpolicy: origin-when-cross-origin

  31. html element: iframe: referrerpolicy: unsafe-url

  32. html element: iframe: sandbox

  33. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-downloads"`

  34. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-forms"`

  35. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-modals"`

  36. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-orientation-lock"`

  37. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-pointer-lock"`

  38. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-popups"`

  39. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox"`

  40. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-presentation"`

  41. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-same-origin"`

  42. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-scripts"`

  43. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-storage-access-by-user-activation"`

  44. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-top-navigation"`

  45. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation"`

  46. html element: iframe: sandbox: `sandbox="allow-top-navigation-to-custom-protocols"`

  47. html element: iframe: scrolling

  48. html element: iframe: src

  49. html element: iframe: srcdoc

  50. html element: iframe: width