1. CSS display: contents

    `display: contents` causes an element's children to appear as if they were direct children of the element's parent, ignoring the element itself. This can be useful when a wrapper element should be ignored when using CSS grid or similar layout techniques.

  2. :has() CSS relational pseudo-class

    Select elements containing specific content. For example, `a:has(img)` selects all `<a>` elements that contain an `<img>` child.

  3. CSS Nesting

    CSS nesting provides the ability to nest one style rule inside another, with the selector of the child rule relative to the selector of the parent rule. Similar behavior previously required a CSS pre-processor.

  4. CSS3 Opacity

    Method of setting the transparency level of an element

  5. CSS Subgrid

    Feature of the CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2 that allows a grid-item with its own grid to align in one or both dimensions with its parent grid.

  6. DOM manipulation convenience methods

    jQuery-like methods on DOM nodes to insert nodes around or within a node, or to replace one node with another. These methods accept any number of DOM nodes or HTML strings as arguments. Includes: `ChildNode.before`, `ChildNode.after`, `ChildNode.replaceWith`, `ParentNode.prepend`, and `ParentNode.append`.

  7. PNG alpha transparency

    Semi-transparent areas in PNG files

  8. rem (root em) units

    Type of unit similar to `em`, but relative only to the root element, not any parent element. Thus compounding does not occur as it does with `em` units.

  9. Upgrade Insecure Requests

    Declare that browsers should transparently upgrade HTTP resources on a website to HTTPS.

  10. cssrule api: parentrule

  11. cssrule api: parentstylesheet

  12. cssstyledeclaration api: parentrule

  13. filesystementry api: getparent

  14. htmlelement api: offsetparent

  15. node api: parentelement

  16. node api: parentnode

  17. stylesheet api: parentstylesheet

  18. treewalker api: parentnode

  19. window api: parent

  20. css at-rule: `@media`: `prefers-color-scheme` media feature: respects `color-scheme` inherited from parent

  21. css property: forced-color-adjust: preserve-parent-color

  22. css property: text-align: match-parent

  23. css selector: `:first-child`: matches elements with no parent

  24. css selector: `:last-child`: matches elements with no parent

  25. css selector: `:nth-child()`: matches elements with no parent

  26. css selector: `:nth-last-child()`: matches elements with no parent

  27. css selector: `:only-child`: matches elements with no parent

  28. types: <color>: `transparent` keyword