1. EventTarget.addEventListener()

    The modern standard API for adding DOM event handlers. Introduced in the DOM Level 2 Events spec. Also implies support for `removeEventListener`, the [capture phase](https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#dom-event-capturing_phase) of DOM event dispatch, as well as the `stopPropagation()` and `preventDefault()` event methods.

  2. CSS Scroll Snap

    CSS technique that allows customizable scrolling experiences like pagination of carousels by setting defined snap positions.

  3. PageTransitionEvent

    Fired at the Window when the page's entry in the session history stops being the current entry. Includes the `pageshow` and `pagehide` events.

  4. audioscheduledsourcenode api: stop

  5. bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic api: stopnotifications

  6. canvasgradient api: addcolorstop

  7. event api: stopimmediatepropagation

  8. event api: stoppropagation

  9. htmlmarqueeelement api: stop

  10. mediarecorder api: stop

  11. mediarecorder api: `stop` event

  12. mediasession api: `setactionhandler()`: `"stop"` type

  13. mediastreamtrack api: stop

  14. profiler api: stop

  15. profiler api: stopped

  16. publickeycredential api: `parserequestoptionsfromjson()` static method

  17. rtcpeerconnection api: getreceivers: receivers for stopped transceivers not returned

  18. rtcpeerconnection api: getsenders: senders for stopped transceivers not returned

  19. rtcpeerconnection api: gettransceivers: stopped transcievers not returned

  20. rtcrtptransceiver api: currentdirection: `"stopped"` value

  21. rtcrtptransceiver api: direction: `"stopped"` value

  22. rtcrtptransceiver api: `stop()`

  23. rtcrtptransceiver api: stopped

  24. sensor api: stop

  25. speechrecognition api: stop

  26. svgstopelement api

  27. svgstopelement api: offset

  28. window api: stop

  29. css property: scroll-snap-stop

  30. css property: scroll-snap-stop: always

  31. css property: scroll-snap-stop: normal

  32. css property: stop-color

  33. css property: stop-opacity

  34. types: `calc()`: gradient color stops support

  35. types: `<image>`: `<gradient>`: `conic-gradient()`: double-position color stops

  36. types: `<image>`: `<gradient>`: `linear-gradient()`: double-position color stops

  37. types: `<image>`: `<gradient>`: `radial-gradient()`: double-position color stops

  38. types: `<image>`: `<gradient>`: `repeating-linear-gradient()`: double-position color stops

  39. types: `<image>`: `<gradient>`: `repeating-radial-gradient()`: double-position color stops

  40. svg element: stop

  41. svg element: stop: offset

  42. svg element: stop: stop-color

  43. svg element: stop: stop-opacity