1. CSS Subgrid

    Feature of the CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2 that allows a grid-item with its own grid to align in one or both dimensions with its parent grid.

  2. Font unicode-range subsetting

    This @font-face descriptor defines the set of Unicode codepoints that may be supported by the font face for which it is declared. The descriptor value is a comma-delimited list of Unicode range (<urange>) values. The union of these ranges defines the set of codepoints that serves as a hint for user agents when deciding whether or not to download a font resource for a given text run.

  3. Attributes for form submission

    Attributes for form submission that may be specified on submit buttons. The attributes are: `formaction`, `formenctype`, `formmethod`, `formnovalidate`, and `formtarget`

  4. Subresource Integrity

    Subresource Integrity enables browsers to verify that file is delivered without unexpected manipulation.

  5. characterdata api: substringdata

  6. console api: substitution strings

  7. cookiestoremanager api: subscribe

  8. crypto api: subtle

  9. crypto api: subtle: secure context required

  10. cssnumericvalue api: sub

  11. gpuqueue api: submit

  12. htmlformelement api: submit

  13. mlgraphbuilder api: sub

  14. pushmanager api: subscribe

  15. submitevent api

  16. submitevent api: submitter

  17. subtlecrypto api

  18. subtlecrypto api: decrypt

  19. subtlecrypto api: derivebits

  20. subtlecrypto api: derivekey

  21. subtlecrypto api: derivekey: `aes` as `derivedkeyalgorithm` option value

  22. subtlecrypto api: derivekey: `hkdf` as `derivedkeyalgorithm` option value

  23. subtlecrypto api: derivekey: `hmac` as `derivedkeyalgorithm` option value

  24. subtlecrypto api: derivekey: `pbkdf2` as `derivedkeyalgorithm` option value

  25. subtlecrypto api: digest

  26. subtlecrypto api: encrypt

  27. subtlecrypto api: exportkey

  28. subtlecrypto api: exportkey: `ed25519` algorithm

  29. subtlecrypto api: generatekey

  30. subtlecrypto api: generatekey: `ed25519` algorithm

  31. subtlecrypto api: importkey

  32. subtlecrypto api: importkey: `ed25519` algorithm

  33. subtlecrypto api: secure context required

  34. subtlecrypto api: sign

  35. subtlecrypto api: sign: `ed25519` algorithm

  36. subtlecrypto api: unwrapkey

  37. subtlecrypto api: verify

  38. subtlecrypto api: verify: `ed25519` algorithm

  39. subtlecrypto api: available in workers

  40. subtlecrypto api: wrapkey

  41. viewtimeline api: subject

  42. vrdisplay api: submitframe

  43. window api: scrollx: subpixel precision

  44. window api: scrolly: subpixel precision

  45. css selector: subsequent-sibling combinator (`a ~ b`)

  46. html element: sub

  47. javascript built-in: string: sub

  48. javascript built-in: string: substr

  49. javascript operator: subtraction (`-`)

  50. javascript operator: subtraction assignment (`x -= y`)