1. CSS3 text-align-last

    CSS property to describe how the last line of a block or a line right before a forced line break when `text-align` is `justify`.

  2. CSS text-box-trim & text-box-edge

    Provides the ability to remove the vertical space appearing above and below text glyphs, allowing more precise positioning and alignment. Previously specified as the `leading-trim` & `text-edge` properties.

  3. CSS text-justify

    CSS property to define how text should be justified when `text-align: justify` is set.

  4. Ruby annotation

    Method of adding pronunciation or other annotations using ruby elements (primarily used in East Asian typography).

  5. canvasrenderingcontext2d api: textalign

  6. offscreencanvasrenderingcontext2d api: textalign

  7. css property: align-content: supported in block layout

  8. css property: align-content: supported in flex layout

  9. css property: align-content: supported in flex layout: `baseline`

  10. css property: align-content: supported in flex layout: `first baseline`

  11. css property: align-content: supported in flex layout: `last baseline`

  12. css property: align-content: supported in flex layout: `safe` and `unsafe`

  13. css property: align-content: supported in flex layout: `space-evenly`

  14. css property: align-content: supported in flex layout: `start` and `end`

  15. css property: align-content: supported in flex layout: `stretch`

  16. css property: align-content: supported in grid layout

  17. css property: align-items: supported in flex layout

  18. css property: align-items: supported in flex layout: `baseline`

  19. css property: align-items: supported in flex layout: `first baseline`

  20. css property: align-items: supported in flex layout: `last baseline`

  21. css property: align-items: supported in flex layout: `safe` and `unsafe`

  22. css property: align-items: supported in flex layout: `start` and `end`

  23. css property: align-items: supported in grid layout

  24. css property: align-items: supported in grid layout: `start` and `end`

  25. css property: align-self: supported in flex layout

  26. css property: align-self: supported in flex layout: `baseline`

  27. css property: align-self: supported in flex layout: `first baseline`

  28. css property: align-self: supported in flex layout: `last baseline`

  29. css property: align-self: supported in flex layout: `safe` and `unsafe`

  30. css property: align-self: supported in flex layout: `start` and `end`

  31. css property: align-self: supported in flex layout: `stretch`

  32. css property: align-self: supported in grid layout

  33. css property: text-align

  34. css property: text-align-last

  35. css property: text-align-last: auto

  36. css property: text-align: center

  37. css property: text-align: end

  38. css property: text-align: justify

  39. css property: text-align: left

  40. css property: text-align: match-parent

  41. css property: text-align: right

  42. css property: text-align: start

  43. css property: vertical-align: text-bottom

  44. css property: vertical-align: text-top