1. background-position-x & background-position-y

    CSS longhand properties to define x or y positions separately.

  2. document.evaluate & XPath

    Allow nodes in an XML/HTML document to be traversed using XPath expressions.

  3. CSS Flexible Box Layout Module

    Method of positioning elements in horizontal or vertical stacks. Support includes all properties prefixed with `flex`, as well as `display: flex`, `display: inline-flex`, `align-content`, `align-items`, `align-self`, `justify-content` and `order`.

  4. JPEG XL image format

    A modern image format optimized for web environments. JPEG XL generally has better compression than [WebP](/webp), JPEG, PNG and GIF and is designed to supersede them. JPEG XL competes with [AVIF](/avif) which has similar compression quality but fewer features overall.

  5. JPEG XR image format

    JPEG XR was built to supersede the original JPEG format by having better compression and more features. [WebP](/webp), [AVIF](/avif) and [JPEG XL](/jpegxl) are all designed to supersede JPEG XR.

  6. WebXR Device API

    API for accessing virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) devices, including sensors and head-mounted displays.

  7. X-Frame-Options HTTP header

    An HTTP header which indicates whether the browser should allow the webpage to be displayed in a frame within another webpage. Used as a defense against clickjacking attacks.

  8. XMLHttpRequest advanced features

    Updated functionality to the original XHR specification including things like file uploads, transfer progress information and the ability to send FormData. Previously known as [XMLHttpRequest Level 2](https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-XMLHttpRequest-20120117/), these features now appear simply in the XMLHttpRequest spec.

  9. XHTML served as application/xhtml+xml

    A strict form of HTML, and allows embedding of other XML languages

  10. XHTML+SMIL animation

    Method of using SMIL animation in web pages

  11. xmldocument api

  12. xmlhttprequest api

  13. xmlserializer api

  14. xpathevaluator api

  15. xpathresult api

  16. xranchor api

  17. xranchorset api

  18. xrcamera api

  19. xrcubelayer api

  20. xrframe api

  21. xrhand api

  22. xrhand api: get

  23. xrhand api: keys

  24. xrhand api: size

  25. xrinputsource api

  26. xrjointpose api

  27. xrjointspace api

  28. xrlayer api

  29. xrlayerevent api

  30. xrlightprobe api

  31. xrmediabinding api

  32. xrpose api

  33. xrquadlayer api

  34. xrray api

  35. xrray api: origin

  36. xrrenderstate api

  37. xrsession api

  38. xrspace api

  39. xrsubimage api

  40. xrsystem api

  41. xrview api

  42. xrviewerpose api

  43. xrviewport api

  44. xrviewport api: x

  45. xrviewport api: y

  46. xrview api: camera

  47. xrview api: eye

  48. xrwebgllayer api

  49. xsltprocessor api

  50. css property: x