1. CSS :any-link selector

    The `:any-link` CSS pseudo-class matches all elements that match `:link` or `:visited`

  2. :default CSS pseudo-class

    The `:default` pseudo-class matches checkboxes and radio buttons which are checked by default, `<option>`s with the `selected` attribute, and the default submit button (if any) of a form.

  3. :dir() CSS pseudo-class

    Matches elements based on their directionality. `:dir(ltr)` matches elements which are Left-to-Right. `:dir(rtl)` matches elements which are Right-to-Left.

  4. CSS Filter Effects

    Method of applying filter effects using the `filter` property to elements, matching filters available in SVG. Filter functions include blur, brightness, contrast, drop-shadow, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, sepia and saturate.

  5. :focus-within CSS pseudo-class

    The `:focus-within` pseudo-class matches elements that either themselves match `:focus` or that have descendants which match `:focus`.

  6. :indeterminate CSS pseudo-class

    The `:indeterminate` pseudo-class matches indeterminate checkboxes, indeterminate `<progress>` bars, and radio buttons with no checked button in their radio button group.

  7. :is() CSS pseudo-class

    The `:is()` (formerly `:matches()`, formerly `:any()`) pseudo-class checks whether the element at its position in the outer selector matches any of the selectors in its selector list. It's useful syntactic sugar that allows you to avoid writing out all the combinations manually as separate selectors. The effect is similar to nesting in Sass and most other CSS preprocessors.

  8. :optional CSS pseudo-class

    The `:optional` pseudo-class matches form inputs (`<input>`, `<textarea>`, `<select>`) which are not `:required`.

  9. Element.closest()

    DOM method that returns the current element if it matches the given selector, or else the closest ancestor element that matches the given selector, or else null.

  10. matches() DOM method

    Method of testing whether or not a DOM element matches a given selector. Formerly known (and largely supported with prefix) as matchesSelector.

  11. matchMedia

    API for finding out whether or not a media query applies to the document.

  12. backgroundfetchregistration api: match

  13. backgroundfetchregistration api: matchall

  14. cachestorage api: match

  15. cache api: match

  16. cache api: matchall

  17. clients api: matchall

  18. clients api: matchall: `options.includeuncontrolled` parameter

  19. element api: `beforematch` event

  20. element api: matches

  21. mediaquerylistevent api: matches

  22. mediaquerylist api: matches

  23. speechrecognition api: `nomatch` event

  24. stylemedia api: matchmedium

  25. validitystate api: patternmismatch

  26. validitystate api: stepmismatch

  27. validitystate api: typemismatch

  28. window api: matchmedia

  29. css property: mask-mode: match-source

  30. css property: text-align: match-parent

  31. css selector: `:any-link`: `:any-link` privacy: selector does not match `<link>` elements

  32. css selector: `:empty`: matches elements with whitespace

  33. css selector: `:first-child`: matches elements with no parent

  34. css selector: `:lang()`: matching language codes with wildcards as `:lang(*-latn)`

  35. css selector: `:last-child`: matches elements with no parent

  36. css selector: `:link`: `:link` privacy: selector does not match `<link>` elements

  37. css selector: `:nth-child()`: matches elements with no parent

  38. css selector: `:nth-last-child()`: matches elements with no parent

  39. css selector: `:only-child`: matches elements with no parent

  40. css selector: `:visited`: `:visited` privacy: selector does not match `<link>` elements

  41. headers http header: if-match

  42. headers http header: if-none-match

  43. javascript built-in: intl: numberformat: `numberformat()` constructor: `options` parameter: `options.localematcher` parameter

  44. javascript built-in: regexp: @@match

  45. javascript built-in: regexp: @@matchall

  46. javascript built-in: regexp: `regexp.lastmatch` (`$&`)

  47. javascript built-in: string: match

  48. javascript built-in: string: matchall

  49. javascript built-in: symbol: match

  50. javascript built-in: symbol: matchall